To help you dive into the Christmas fun without regretting it come January, we've whipped up a bunch of tips to keep you from going overboard with the eating and drinking this festive season.

Christmas is the time for joy, and with all the tempting treats and drinks, it's hard to resist a bit of festive indulgence. From mince pies to mulled wine, everyone has their seasonal delight. No harm in that, just keep it in check; too much can affect your health.
Don't starve for calories
Thinking of skipping meals to save room for a party feast? Bad idea. You'll end up hungry and overindulge on sugary snacks. Start with a hearty breakfast and have a balanced snack before social events. Don't arrive starving at parties and opt for healthier snacks like veggies and dip.
Watch your portions
Sample your favorite treats, but in small portions. Avoid mindless snacking; use a smaller plate to trick your brain into being satisfied with less.
Be picky
Instead of devouring everything, make a shortlist of your favorite Christmas foods and indulge in those selectively. Prioritize quality over quantity.
Stay hydrated
Dehydration can mimic hunger. Aim for two liters of fluids daily, preferably water. Drink before meals to feel full and curb overeating.
Keep tabs on booze
More socializing means more drinking. Remember, alcohol packs calories. Alternate between alcoholic and soft drinks or try a spritzer; it cuts calories, keeps you hydrated, and may prevent hangovers.
Take it slow and focus on fun, not food
Savour your favourite treats. Slow down, enjoy mindful eating, and relish in non-food aspects of the season. Engage in fun activities instead of lingering around the food table.
Remember, it's not 'all-or-nothing'
Christmas isn't an all-or-nothing diet. Enjoy treats sensibly; you don't have to eat everything. Minimize the effects of indulgence without total deprivation. Balance and moderation are key to a healthy holiday celebration.
Healthy living is all about finding that balance and moderation, and Christmas is all about celebrating. Cheers to that!

Potchefstroom - Johané van Dyk