In a world where self-help books fly off the shelves faster than hotcakes at a church breakfast, finding true confidence can seem as elusive as a peaceful family reunion. But fear not, for those seeking a more spiritual GPS to guide them, leaning on Jesus might just be the roadmap to confidence you didn't know you needed
The Heavenly Confidence Formula
First off, let's address the elephant in the room – or in this case, the gentle lamb: Jesus. When it comes to confidence, He's not just the coach cheering you on from the sidelines; He's the star player showing you how it's done. Think about it: walking on water, feeding the 5000, rising from the dead – if that's not confidence, I don't know what is!
1. The Prayer Pep-Talk
Start your day with a prayer pep-talk. It's like a morning coffee for your soul, but instead of caffeine jitters, you get divine jitters. Tell Jesus about your worries, your to-do list, and yes, even that awkward conversation you're dreading. He's got a listening ear and an endless supply of wisdom – a heavenly combo for a confidence boost.
2. Bible Boosters
Dive into the Bible for some serious confidence boosters. Scriptures are like spiritual energy bars; they give you that extra boost when you're feeling down. Verses like Philippians 4:13 ("I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me") aren't just nice sayings; they're power-packed promises.
3. Walk the Walk
Practise what Jesus preached. Loving your neighbour, forgiving those who wrong you, and lending a helping hand can surprisingly boost your own confidence. It's like looking in the mirror and realising you're wearing a superhero cape – only it's invisible and tailored by God.
4. The Gratitude Attitude
Count your blessings, not your bloopers. Keeping a gratitude journal is like keeping a tally of God's love notes to you. It shifts your focus from what you lack to the abundance you have in Christ, filling you with confidence that's God-approved.
5. Trust Fall with God
Lastly, do a trust fall with God. No, not literally (unless you're into extreme sports), but metaphorically. Trusting God with your life, your dreams, and your fears is the ultimate confidence booster. It’s like saying, “God’s got this,” and actually believing it.
Finding confidence through Jesus is a journey filled with laughter, learning, and a lot of love. It's about discovering that in Him, you're stronger, braver, and more loved than you ever imagined. So next time you're feeling a bit low on the confidence scale, just remember: Jesus is the ultimate confidence coach, and with Him, you're always on the winning team.
Article by: Micayla Niemack